Fleet Manager as Part of the Universal Control System

A universal control system is generally used to coordinate and control complex processes and sequences in various plants, machines, or systems. The control system acts as an interface between the various process steps and ensures that all sub-processes are coordinated and synchronized. The guideline for interface communication is VDA 5050, which was created by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (Verband der Automobilindustrie – VDA) and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) to standardize the control of different vehicles from different manufacturers.   

External participants and peripheral devices can be connected to Grenzebach's Fleet Manager. The software is flexible and can be linked to a wide range of systems and manufacturer-independent vehicles via various interfaces. The software also provides the interface to Grenzebach's Warehouse Control System and the customer's Warehouse Management System. A web-based user interface provides a comprehensive system overview, intuitive control, parameterization, and diagnostic options. At the same time, the user terminal can be customized at any time.  

By using the Fleet Manager, processes are made more efficient and faster, which has a positive effect on productivity, quality, and profitability. In addition, the control system can also help increase the safety and reliability of processes.

Your Advantages

  • Intelligent vehicle selection and optimized, deadlock-free route finding  
  • Flexible system that is compatible to other systems and manufacturer-independent vehicles 
  • Optimal planning and validation of routes (e.g., based on CAD data)  
  • Comprehensive system overview (routes, vehicles, logistics processes)  
  • Intuitive control, parameterization, and diagnostic options  
  • Individually customizable user interfaces with the ability to restrict accessibility by user 

White Paper: What Does a Universal Control System Do?

Learn how intralogistics processes can be automated. For logistics managers who are faced with a decision to automate or want to optimize their processes, Grenzebach sheds light on universal control system. The software is a modern fleet management system that controls driverless transport vehicles (AGV) independent of manufacturer. 

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