Access and Rights Management with the Security Manager

Grenzebach Security Manager protects your company against unauthorized access to data and programs. The software enables authorized users to configure cross-system and cross-application access through a central access and rights management system. The Security Manager is based on the "Identity Server4" framework and offers basic security functions such as OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0. In addition, it provides central user administration with a configurable roles and rights system, as well as the option of connecting to Active Directory or the Active Directory Federation Service with Single Sign-On.

The intuitive and modern web-based application interface makes the system easy to use and reduces the amount of training required.

Your Advantage

  • Secure authentication of the user by using the standard protocols OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0
  • Decentralization by transferring identities and authentication from client applications to the Security Manager
  • Configurable roles and permissions system with unified management of users, roles, and permissions of Grenzebach applications
  • Intuitive and modern web-based user interface for easy operation of the system and reduction of training efforts

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Your Contact Person: Tom O'Donnell

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