Intralogistics: Open for the innovations of the day after tomorrow
In the course of time throughout the Logistics and Intralogistics world, things are accelerating more and more. For this purpose, professional partners are needed offering flexible concepts - with a clear course heading for success. Under the motto "Transforming Intralogistics" Grenzebach presents at the LogiMAT 2019 (from Feb. 19 - 21 in Stuttgart) Intralogistic solutions for the future, which are at the same time robust and flexible. "Systems with an open and self-learning concept offer our customers the highest possible efficiency for today on the one hand, and on the other hand every possibility to develop for tomorrow", says Uwe Dopf, Business Unit Leader Intralogistics at Grenzebach. At the LogiMAT, the visitors of the Grenzebach booth (hall 7, booth C21) get insights into the respective system solutions. The showcases present enhanced Automated Guided Vehicles, creating new values added for the customer in interaction with innovations.
Solutions on several levels
The eCommerce portion rises in many branches (rapidly); logistics and Intralogistics are becoming more and more specialized. The trend goes towards even more rapid deliveries - warehouses and distribution hubs are moving closer to the end user. In order to be well-positioned in the inner-city positions with respect to the competitors for the last mile, distribution centers are vertically on the rise. The transformation of multi-story inventory buildings into logistics units will be seen even more frequently from now on. Rather aloft than spread out: Another reason is to significantly avoid further floor sealing in Europe. "We are available to companies of all branches with individual solutions, which allow multi-story buildings and optimum scaling", says Uwe Dopf. Another incentive for the change: In the production industry, the Factory of the Future is getting a more and more concise shape - and is at the same time open for modifications, which we do not know at this time.
The 10th participation at the LogiMAT
Uwe Dopf: "At the LogiMAT we present Intralogistics solutions for today and tomorrow, which are robust as well as flexible - and this way open for the demands of tomorrow." The Grenzebach trade show under the motto "Transforming Intralogistics" marks another anniversary. The Intralogistics experts participate in the LogiMAT this year for the 10th time, presenting a spectrum reaching from the big system solution for complex Intralogistic tasks down to small part commissioning by means of robust build-ons on AGVs.
Tugger: robust, flexbile, efficient
The tugger, the robust and powerful towing vehicle, is presented by Grenzebach with its newest model - with many additional features and in an innovative and fresh industrial design. These refined vehicles are first of all presented to the international customer market at the LogiMAT. The further developed tugger is able to automatically couple and uncouple trolleys - and a multitude of different trailer couplings allow a flexible and repetitive automatic transport of goods on the inner-company ways. In the curves, the new model now performs a turning radius of 1.2 m, which means that the available motion space at the customer's facilities is used in an optimum way. „Battery change is no longer necessary for the new tugger, as the battery can be recharged at a charging station without manual intervention“, says Uwe Dopf. The new, innovative tugger is available in the weight classes from 1 to 3 tons - and moves at 1.5 m per second on the road.
Pioneer on the field of "Goods-to-Person"
Further growing eCommerce portions for many consumer products and the start of the nutrients branch in the online commerce increase the need for high-performance Intralogistics, which is able to move many different goods in any conceivable combination. Grenzebach belongs to the pioneers in the development of Intralogistic systems "goods-to-person" - and presents a corresponding showcase at the LogiMAT. The picker no longer needs to move to the rack, but the rack is moved to the picker. The compact vehicle "L600" from Grenzebach moves beneath goods carriers, lifts them and transports them towards the picking place. Thus, it directly contributes to the individual creation of a workplace on site. This Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) has a lifting weight of up to 600 kg - and achieves a speed of up to 1.5 m/s.
The L600 from Grenzebach optimizes warehouse and commissioning, increasing the quantity and quality of the processes. By means of the L600, it is possible to organize even highly sophisticated logistics surfaces in economic, multi-story and with great flexibility. The Grenzebach Fleet Manager, an application of the house-internal IIoT platform "Grenzebach Application Server", controls small modules as well as Fleets with up to 100 vehicles.
Advantages non-stop
„By means of an integrated Intralogistics solution, profit is generated on a non-stop basis: this allows space-saving warehousing, thus, the packing density can be increased and productivity can be increased. An important aspect is the improved ergonomic conditions for the staff - improved health protection is the added value", explains Uwe Dopf the advantages.
Partnership with Identytec
In order to have small parts on hand, when they are needed in production, Grenzebach has created a performing and flexible solution together with the Logistik specialist Identytec. A handling system from Identytec is placed onto the mobile platform MB200, bearing small load carriers of all types. The system is open for the handling of boxes and cases of all types, without having to reprogram the system. At the LogiMAT, Grenzebach and Identytec present the same showcase at their booths: the enhanced L1200S with a shooter rack incorporating shelves pointing downwards as an assembly line.
Highly flexible Intralogistics 4.0
In order to direct the sequences in Intralogistics and to use the self-learning effects in the system the best way possible, Grenzebach offers a lot of high-performing tools on the basis of the high-performing IIot platform "Grenzebach Application Server.
The Grenzebach Application Server is the modern and modular central office for the look-ahead direction and control of Grenzebach and Third Party equipment. It provides a local solution for all industrial systems in the Internet of things - continuously expandable to Cloud computing.
The Grenzebach Application Server controls all sequences in production, in the warehouse and in the shipping department and integrates, for this purpose, equipment parts and devices of all manufacturers. The Windows-based Framework ensures for the customer a way to Industry 4.0 - towards the Factory of tomorrow. For this purpose, all necessary applications are integrated onto a platform.
Uwe Dopf says finally: „The handling of the Grenzebach Application Server is as simple as the handling of a smart phone. This helps to create a logistics environment, making data and information usable for the many user departments and decision processes in the company." Big Data are turned into defined recommendations for action and information turned into tangible added value for the customer. „Transforming Intralogistics”.