FieldLab in Eindhoven warming up with Grenzebach
How do we optimally realize production logistics and the complete delivery chain within Industry 4.0? Currently, in the FieldLab Advanced Manufacturing Logistics (AML) in Eindhoven, companies and scientists, technicians and economists are working towards finding the answer. In its very center: two Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) provided by Grenzebach. In the FieldLab, the L1200S are used for the transportation purposes.
Statements regarding the complete delivery chain
In this test environment, AGVs and other robotics are utilized to acquire information on how to design the “Factory of the Future” – from production logistics to processes and the complete delivery chain. “A very impressive test environment was created in Eindhoven where all partners are working together with enthusiasm. We very much appreciate to be able to contribute our Grenzebach know-how and are looking forward to the results, which will then of course find their way into the development of our intralogistics solutions”, says Uwe Dopf, Senior Vice President for the Business Unit Intralogistics at Grenzebach, who also attended the official opening of the AML FieldLab in Eindhoven in early May.

75 partners for the “Factory of the Future”
Rubix, automation expert and Grenzebach partner in the Benelux countries, and KMWE, specialist for aircraft technology and Grenzebach customer, also belong to the founders of the AML FieldLab. It is part of the innovation program “Factory of the Future”, which integrates 75 companies, educational as well as knowledge institutions, industry associations and the province Noord-Brabant.
Numerous connecting points for innovations
The FieldLab AML is located at the Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) in Eindhoven, which was also only recently opened. “With KMWE we were able to win one of the most innovative companies at the BIC as a customer and will be using the connecting points with other branches and knowledge institutions to achieve the next quantum leaps in the area of process technology and intralogistics“, says Uwe Dopf.
Focusing on individualized mass production
In Eindhoven, the focus lies on the challenges of lot size 1 and individualized mass production. “To the manufacturing industry, we offer the possibility to progress in the areas of productivity, lead time and supply chain cost. With the optimization of automation and planning, we are able to achieve shorter delivery times and higher productivity with less logistical resources and investments”, explains Erik Vermeulen, Program Manager at the AML FieldLab, during the opening in May with guests from economy, science, and politics as well as other associations. Together we build knowledge about simulation, integration IT-connectivity, supply chain orchestration and mobile robots, so the general consensus. The test environment in Eindhoven belongs to a study focused on two main questions: What is the maximum degree of automation that can be realized and which intelligent planning methods make the most sense for this company cooperation?
Rapid change of series
“We know from multiple customers of different manufacturing industries that a rapid switch-over between big and smaller production lots is becoming more and more critical for success. From Eindhoven we will receive reliable information on this as well for the practical application”, concludes Uwe Dopf.