Decades Of Experience In Special Machine Construction – The Basis Of Our Technological Expertise

Our lasting market presence is rooted in a deep understanding of automation. We have been contributing our know-how to industrial projects in the spirit of partnership for more than 60 years.


Today Grenzebach is a technology leader in its core markets.


The Start Of A Success Story: Seven People With A Passion For Mechanical Engineering

In 1960, Rudolf Grenzebach founded Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH in Hamlar, Bavaria. The company’s first big success came two years later with the development of transport and handling systems for dairies and cheese makers.

In the mid-1960s, the furniture industry was booming. Innovation was in demand, and so was Grenzebach’s wealth of ideas. From 1965 onward, our company planned and manufactured systems for the production of chipboard.

1960 Grenzebach Foundation by Rudolf Grenzebach


Pioneer In The Glass Industry

In 1974, Grenzebach set an international benchmark with the development of the world’s first processing plant for the float glass production process.

1974 Development of the world's first processing plant for the glass industry


Across The Big Pond

In order to serve its North American customers more directly, Grenzebach founded the Grenzebach Corporation in Newnan, near Atlanta, Georgia, in 1988. Right from the start, the company has designed and manufactured for the American market.

1988 Foundation of Grenzebach Corporation in Newnan, Georgia


Grenzebach Conquers The Asian Market

With more and more customers coming to Grenzebach from Asia, a sales office was founded in Shanghai in 1998. In 2001, Grenzebach added its own production facility in China.

1998 Foundation of the sales office in Shanghai


More Know-How For The Building Materials Industry

In 2002, we acquired Babcock BSH in Bad Hersfeld. Today, Grenzebach BSH GmbH bundles the competences for the building materials sector.


Strong Technologies And Partner For The Automotive Industry

In 2010, inos automation software GmbH, an image processing and laser technologies specialist, joined the Grenzebach Group.

Lightweight construction and electro-mobility are booming. Grenzebach is thinking ahead and providing the right solution: In 2011, Grenzebach supplied the first friction stir welding plant.


Grenzebach Completes The Generation Change

In 2014, Sonja Grenzebach took over as the main shareholder of the Grenzebach Group. The daughter of the founder is continuing the company’s dynamic development.

2014, Sonja Grenzebach took over as the main shareholder of the Grenzebach Group


Integrated Solutions And Digital Transformation

CNUD EFCO GFT, an established solution provider for annealing lehrs, tin baths, and accessories in the glass industry, has also become part of the Grenzebach Group. In 2021, the company is rebranded as the Grenzebach Romania S.L.R.

CNUD EFCO GFT has become part of the Grenzebach Group


Groundbreaking For European Hub

Growth is the name of the game: Grenzebach Romania expands into a manufacturing and development center for the glass, building materials, and intralogistics industries to optimally satisfy the growing European demand.

Grenzebach Romania expands


Grenzebach Team Is Growing

Millennium Control Systems has been a strong partner of the Grenzebach network since 2002. In 2023, the American-based automation expert for power and control systems becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of the Grenzebach Group.

Grenzebach expands its facility in Pune, India. The production area will be expanded to further strengthen the markets in the Eastern Hemisphere.

NextGrenzebach. NextTechnology. NextGeneration.

Grenzebach has been developing new forward-looking solutions with passion, curiosity, and pioneering spirit for more than 60 years. The group is building on a solid foundation and keeping a firm eye on the future.

Significant values such as sustainability and partnership play a vital role in this. This benefits customers and partners alike.