Markus works at Mechanical Engineering in the Business Unit Glass at Grenzebach. As a member of the team, he is co-responsible for the design of the conveyor and cutting technology on the float glass lines. At the moment, he is working on the dosage of oil used on the cutting bridges. This cutting oil provides clean cutting edges without splinters or cracks. The task is to develop a new central supply unit to supply several cutting bridges and heads with oil. Costs shall be reduced and the user-friendliness increased. In addition, it also involves adapting the look to a new industrial design. Looking at the entire production process, this seems to be only a small detail. But in the end, only optimized details result in an improvement of the entire process. This way, all the small and large cogs interlock and the new result is better than the previous results in at least one respect.
In search of new challenges
Markus gained a lot of experience working for a manufacturer of elevators. Here his wish became reality: He was directly involved in the mechanical engineering of machines. This comprised changes to existing plants but also new developments. After six years, the further development stagnated and he was eager for a new challenge. New tasks, new colleagues, getting to know another company and new opportunities there. This is where Grenzebach came in. Markus found a job vacancy he was interested in and applied for it at Grenzebach.

Arriving at Grenzebach
Since February 2022, Markus has been part of the Mechanical Transport & Cutting team, with a focus on cutting technology. He is enthusiastic about the very pleasant induction phase. All new employees are assigned an experienced employee as a kind of mentor. "These colleagues are then your contact for any questions you may have. They can either answer them themselves or they know who you can go to." No question is too difficult to answer - according to the motto: Who asks, wins. "I felt welcome right from the start", Markus says. Prior to starting for real, he got to know the Business Unit Glass and completed a CAD training course. This made him ideally suited to work on projects and lead them to success together with his team.
“This kind of mentorship greatly eases new team members into the company. You feel like you are in good hands.”
Apart from his colleagues, what else does he appreciate? A much more diverse range of tasks than he has experienced before. Working very close to production, i.e. being present and involved from the idea through development to the finished, functioning product.
If nothing goes wrong, Markus will stay at Grenzebach presumably for some time. Perhaps he will become a mentor himself one day and help new employees have a pleasant start in the company.
Always part of a team – at the job and also in his free time
Markus is a team player. In his free time, he is committed to the volunteer fire department in his town. As one of 75 active members, he is one of those who come running when the siren blares and provide assistance in the event of fires and accidents. This includes regular training sessions to ensure that every move made by the teams is right in the event of an emergency.
Much less serious, but all the more fun is the Schuhplatteln, which Markus pursues in relaxed regularity. This also only works in a team and also requires training. The idea was born out of a spontaneous whim and meanwhile the group also performs at folk festivals.

Whenever he doesn't feel like socializing, he enjoys gardening and - no surprise - tinkering with 3D printers and laser cutters. This is where the engineering enthusiast shows even in his spare time.