Jobs in Logistics
Drive yourself and Grenzebach forward
The Grenzebach Group can only remain competitive on the market in the long term with sophisticated logistics. Your support in logistics is therefore a key factor in the company's success. You will ensure a smooth internal and external flow of materials and consistently keep an eye on our flow of goods.
If you are no stranger to teamwork, personal responsibility and organizational skills, then you have come to the right place in Logistics.

Areas of responsibilities
You and your team are responsible for incoming and outgoing goods. You will pick and distribute the goods as well as control and correct the stock levels. You will carefully process the storage and accompanying documents, observing the legal regulations.
By thinking outside the box, you continuously rethink and improve Grenzebach's logistics process.
Fields of application
- Receipt of goods
- Goods transport
- Warehousing
- Warehouse management
- Dispatch

“I always say: In Logistics at Grenzebach, every day is like Christmas. For one thing, because we get packages sent to us every day from all over the world, and for another, we never know what's inside each package. We sometimes need a crane to get a package off the truck; sometimes we need a forklift to move the package on; and sometimes pure muscle power is enough. We then go back to unpacking, inspecting or booking the goods. That's the great thing about the goods receipt: It is enormously versatile. Apart from that, there is always time for a little socializing. A quick chat with colleagues or suppliers.”
Storage with logic. Material in flow. Just the way you like it?
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Application Portal
The application process for all German locations is handled via our application portal. You can submit your application, edit and add data or stay in contact with us here. Pick your location from the left list.