Grenzebach is a 2022 Hessen Champion
- Grenzebach BSH has won the Innovation and Growth Award of the state of Hesse
- The innovative Grenzebach Phosphorus Recycling Process convinced the high-caliber panel of judges from business, politics, and the media in the "Innovation" category
- A total of 53 Hessian companies competed for the "Hessen-Champions 2022" title
BAD HERSFELD/Germany. And the winner is … Grenzebach had been eagerly awaiting this announcement since April 2022. The magic words were finally spoken on November 1, 2022, at the 30th Hessian Entrepreneurs' Day. "The winner in the category of "Innovation" and thus a "Hessen-Champion 2022" is Grenzebach BSH GmbH from Bad Hersfeld.“ The state premier of Hesse, Boris Rhein, and economics minister Tarek Al Wazir extended their congratulations. With its innovative phosphorus recycling process, the leading supplier of process and equipment technologies prevailed over 60 competing applications submitted by 52 Hessian companies.
Convincing innovation
Michael Meyer, Director Process Technology at Grenzebach, accepted the award at the Kurhaus in Wiesbaden: "We are delighted that our process for direct phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge has convinced the jury.“
With its Phosphorus Recycling Process, Grenzebach helps towns, cities, and municipalities to recover the vital raw material phosphorus from sewage sludge - without upstream incineration, without transportation over long distances, without generating landfill materials, and without using chemicals in the recycling process. With its many years of experience in phosphoric acid production, the company contributes proven process technology to the recovery of phosphorus. The Grenzebach Phosphorus Recycling Process has been developed in cooperation with the CUTEC research center of Clausthal University of Technology.
Along with Grenzebach BSH, nine other applicants had made it to the final round of the Innovation and Growth Award of the state of Hesse, competing for the "Hessen-Champions 2022" title in the categories of "Innovation", "World Market Leader" and "Job Engine". The winners in the "World Market Leader" category are Vacuumschmelze from Hanau, and in the "Job Engine" category Energiesysteme Groß from Niestetal.

Hessen-Champions – success stories from Hesse
The idea of the "Hessen-Champions" contest is to reward companies for outstanding achievements. For over 20 years now the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing and the Federation of Hessian Business Associations (VhU), in cooperation wit the Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Hessen mbH (MBG H), an investor funding small and medium sized enterprises, have honored special entrepreneurial successes in the categories "Innovation", "World Market Leader" and "Job Engine". "Germany is the land of hidden champions, Hesse is the only federal state that has consistently honored them for over 20 years, and by now can boast an impressive Hall of Fame: some 60 Hessen-Champions, about 200 finalists from a field of roughly 1,400 applicants. This proof of Hessian economic strength is something that – I believe – all of us here in Hesse can be proud of," says VhU president Wolf Matthias Mang.
Entries are welcome from all businesses based in Hesse. In a two-stage process, a panel of judges from business, politics and the media selects the winners in three categories. In a first step, the finalists in each category are shortlisted from all applications. All nominees then present themselves to the main jury in live pitches.